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Genichi Jinnai


ERM Bible School

Message:  Second Step in Becoming Christians Who Are Flying Freely in the Air


I will begin speaking about step two of becoming Christians who are flying freely in the air.  In step one, I spoke about being forgiven.  I thought I would next speak about being blessed, however, in order to receive being blessed, I would like for you to first gain a heightened realization that you are loved.  When you have the realization that you are loved, then when troubles occur, you will understand that you will surely be protected for you are loved.


When we are living the life of faith as Christians, there are many trials.

Sometime we wonder why we have trials.  Why do these troubles occur?  Why do they linger on?  There lies God’s purpose in them.  Trials come to us.  However, we will definitely triumph.


 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4)


Non-Christians and we who are walking in faith feel that we could be happy if such and such did not exist. People are troubled because they have worries.  We probably feel that if we did not have any worry then we would be happy.  Would I be able to make my payments? I am insecure about my future livelihood.  Would I be able to go to heaven for I have sinned?  We worry about these things.  However, worries dissipate when we live in the consciousness that we are forgiven, loved and blessed by God.


How can we become as Christian flying in the air?  It is in becoming free of worries.  When you live a life without worries, Satan cannot thwart you, therefore, we can be flying freely in the air. In our believing in God, and in our coming to know God further, God allows that we face trials.


The Bible says, No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”(1 Corinthians 10:13)


When trials come to those who are conscious of being forgiven, loved and blesses, they think,”I am definitely able to overcome this trial!  Because God does not give us trials that we are not able to bear.  Amen.”  As a result, you do not worry about problems.  Therefore, I would like for you to quickly learn and obtain these three consciousnesses of being forgiven, being loved, and being blessed.  When various troubles come, those who do not know whether their problems would be solved or not will worry.  We experience problems, and we pray about them.  They will be solved.  Problems come again.  When they do, I would like for you to know why problems are coming.  God is trying to teach you, that although problems are coming, you are not to worry about them.


Sometimes problems come in succession.  I have been saying, “It doesn’t matter whether I have three problems or four problems.  God says there is no trial that cannot be withstood.  Therefore, if I have four problems, then I will overcome four problems.  Amen.”  We must get to know the heart of God. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” (James 1:2)  For in overcoming and having experienced them, you will know that you are always going to be well concerning problems of that level.


God is bringing trials for us to overcome, but there are Christians who are avoiding them, and running away from the problems.  In James 4:7 it says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  Christians, therefore, are not to run from problems.  When problems arise, Christians are to confront them.  God does not give us burdens we cannot bear, He is promising victory.


When King Jehoshaphat, I often speak about (2 Chronicles 20), was approached by the vast enemy army, he triumphed because he believed in God and worshipped him.  The problem is not the fact that problem is occurring!  What we Christians need know is that, the problem lies in not believing that the problem has been solved!  You might have a financial problem, and you might have an illness problem, problems with business, or discord in human relationship.  But the problem is not in having that problem.  That is something that can be handled and will be solved.  The problem lies in not believing this.  Is anyone having difficulty finding employment?  Believe that your employment has been decided.  Is anyone’s problem lingering?  Believe that it has been solved.  If you are saying, “not yet, not yet”, then you are in the worry.  Those who are not in worry, however, are saying, “I believe it has been solved. Amen.”


How can you make a living without work?  You might ask, why do you say “Amen”?  We are loved by God.  Our God who is looking at us as children of God does not say, “It can’t be helped that you can’t eat because you don’t have a job.”  When Prophet Elijah did not have anything to eat, the ravens brought him food (1 Kings 17:6).  Because we do not work, it does not mean that we cannot eat.  God provides for me. Look at the birds of the air. (Mathew 6:26)  They do not have refrigerators.  They do not have a place for storage.  But they always have food to eat and are living.  Therefore, there is no way that God will not meet your needs.  When you believe that God will protect and bless you no matter what the circumstance may be, then you need not worry.


As you experience many problems, you will think “I have solved this.  I have solved that.  This one is several times bigger, but I will be solving it again.”

As long as you are running away from that problem, the problem will continue.  Because the reason of it’s being there, is for you to overcome it.  Do not be persistent in mouthing the situation that is in front of your eyes, but instead, declare about God who is blessing you.  I always say this.  Prayer is to be said in the past tense.  “I believe that I have found work.  I believe that my eye has been healed.  I believe that I have been made useful.”  Why should you say in this way?  It is because you believe that God has already made that happen for you.  As long as you are saying, “help me, Lord,” every time a problem occurs, you are not going to the bank of heaven to receive the answer, therefore, although it is there, you cannot bring down the blessing.


For two months I had double vision.  I had done examinations on my brain and fundus of the eye, but they could not find the root cause.  In those two months time, I continued to proclaim, “I believe I have been healed.”  While on earth I may be seeing in double vision, I believed I am healed when I go to heaven.  Therefore, though I was not healed yet, I continued to confess that I was healed. Then after two months, I was completely healed.  Unless you confess, that would not happen. (Mark 11:23)


Though problems called trials happen, “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:4)

We must not be doing things on the same level continually. You must become those who are, “mature and complete, not lacking in anything.”  In other words, God is trying to make us into people who do not worry even though problems occur.  It does not matter whether your problems continue or cease.  It is already determined they will definitely be solved.


“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)


It is predestined that when problem arise you will escape out of it.

Let us say out loud, “Trials, come.  I can always solve them.  There is not a trial I cannot bear! Amen.”  When problem arise, you must rejoice.  When a problem come to me, I always think that it is a time for me to get promoted.  It is so for you, too.  You are getting closer to becoming complete.  Sometimes, in my calculation, I sense that I might be short financially.  But I do not pray for money.  Even when I have a large payment to make, God suffices my needs.  I give my offering, and to God plant my seed for blessing.  If you do not make your offering, you should not be expectant.  A farmer takes in his harvest because he sows his seeds.  If God indicates the amount of money to be offered, then do exactly.  Do not think that if you use your money for the offering you would not be able to make your payments.  Of course, you must make sure it is God’s voice you are hearing.  If it is the voice of God, then you must obey.  If you do, God will fulfill.  When you trust in God, the answer is there.


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)  He is not blessing us with every spiritual blessing, but He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.  It is in the past tense.  That blessing exists in the bank of heaven!  We must go to receive that.  Because it is there, we need not worry.  Though my students are few and congregation is small, I am able to continue.  This is not a wonder, but a matter of course.

“It is a matter of course that my needs are met. Amen.”


“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)


Jesus was rich, but for you and me, He became poor.  If Jesus is rich, and yet became poor, it means we became rich.  By the poverty of Jesus, we are made to be rich!  “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)  It is not just about our needs being met.  All our needs are met.


Let us proclaim, “I became rich by the riches of Christ.  All our needs are destined to be fulfilled.  Amen.”  Therefore, we need not worry.

Those who can receive answer to their prayers are absolute believers.

Believe, as if you have been fooled.  When you experience it, you will know that it is true.  Do not begin with major matters from the start, but try with something ordinary around you and proclaim, “I believe my need for today has been given to me.”


All necessary things will be fulfilled.  That is because you are loved.

In the earlier Scripture to the Ephesians it is written how much and from when you are loved.


“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.  In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will– to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” (Ephesians 1:4-6)


Before the creation of the world (Verse 4), way before Adam and Eve were created, you had been planned by God.  You were chosen in Christ.  You were made to be holy and without blame, and in love He adopted us as His sons through Christ.  And that was predestined! (Verse 5)  You were planned by God, and you were born to this world to be loved by God.

When we realize this, life becomes enjoyable.  It is because we are loved by God.


You are being blessed, then why is it that you are not blessed?

It is because by the words you confess, your life is determined.

I want you to become Christians who are flying in the air.  For that, please declare!  Continue to declare!  If you do, your life will change.

In the beginning you may only feel you are 5 Millimeters in air. Next, 10

Centimeters, and after that, 1 Meter.  Sooner or later, you will come to be

able to freely fly over mountains.  You are already being blessed.  Because

you do not believe that, and not receive it, the blessing is not occurring!  For you are loved by God, therefore, you must declare so.


”This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)


At first you chose to believe in Jesus.  In that way, choose.  Declare every day and choose.  If you said something negative or words coming from Satan, something that is not in line with what the Bible says, then repent.  And as though retaliating three times over, declare, “I am blessed!  I am blessed!  I am blessed!” Subtracting one from three is two.  Then you will be two steps closer.  If you declare more, the closer you will get.  Say it every day.  If you waver between declaring and not declaring, you will not get closer.  As if going to the bank to withdraw that money that is there, we must believe that we are blessed there, declare it, and go to obtain it.


Let us declare, “I am blessed.  I am loved by God before the universe was created.  A predestined child, this is who I am.  Because I am blessed, any problem is determined to be solved.  Amen.”


Because I am blessed, in those days that I was a salaried worker, I thought, “Those who will do business with me will be blessed.  Those who do not do business with me will not be blessed.”  I, therefore, always got the business.  The companies I dealt with may have thought I am from a small credit union, but because they are dealing with me who is loved by God, I always thought I am above them.  The dealing companies must have thought, where is this person’s confidence coming from?  This is from my believing.



Jesus was walking on the Sea of Galilee. “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  At that time, Jesus was not walking on water as God, but as a human being using His faith.  That is why Jesus did not say, “Peter, what are you saying, it would be impossible for you because you are a human being.”  But He said to him, “Come.” (Mathew 14:22-33)

Jesus lived by using His faith as a human being, exemplifying Himself as our model.  From where did Jesus have that faith and confidence to walk on water as a human?  When Jesus rose from the water after being baptized in water by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit fell on him as a dove and there was a voice from heaven.  “And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Mathew 3:17) Jesus is always full of the realization that He is well pleased by and loved by God.


I am always saying, “I am loved by God.  I am blessed by God.  Even when I sin, I am forgiven.”  I repent of my sin, of course.  If you are insecure because of financial difficulty, you do worry because you do not have the realization that you are loved, you are blessed and you are forgiven of your sin.  Quickly obtain these three realizations.   While doing so, the end of the world will come.  At that time, you will be asked by God, “I tried to give you these three consciousnesses, why did you not firmly hold on to them?”

You are all able to work for God.  You are all are vessels to be used by God.  Unless you maintain these realizations, God is not able to work through you.

If there is someone with a grave illness in front of you and if you are wondering, “Would he be healed by my prayer?” you would not make it in time and the person would die.


Peter started to walk on water, but almost drowned, however, later on he became a person who can perform miracles and healings by faith.  That is because within Peter the realization of being loved came to a full.  In the Bible there are many writings that are unbelievable.  You think that they are too awesome for you to believe.  But we are to believe them.  For the Bible is Word of God, and the truth.  Now, let us see how much we are loved according to the Bible.


“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”(Romans 8:32)

Jesus gave up His life for me and you.  To purchase us back, Jesus gave up His life.  In other words, if you are thinking yourself to be unimportant and devaluing yourself, that is the mind of the devil.  God’s mind is, “You are precious and honored in my sight.”(Isaiah 43:4)


God thinks you are worthy to be bought back even by the blood of Jesus.

You have been saved in exchange for Jesus’ life.  Therefore, if you maintain the realization that you are loved as much as Jesus, your problems are destined to be solved for sure.  You know that everything will be turned into a blessing.  Furthermore, we are told that we will be blessed with all things together with Jesus.


Let us say, “I am loved just as much as Jesus.  I am loved so much as to being blessed with all things.  Amen.”  Hold to this realization.

There is a voice that is saying to you from heaven, “(your name) my beloved, I am pleased with you!”  Imagine this every day.  If you do, your consciousness will change, and you will be able to receive the blessings.

God’s love is not human love.  It is something that you have never received before, and you are loved by God to the extent unbelievable to you.

“And to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19)


By receiving love we become in the likeness of God.  We become filled to the measure of all the fullness.  Furthermore, that we, “may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:18)  The width of God’s love, the height of God’s love, the depth of God’s love cannot be received from man, because that is the love of Christ, which far surpasses the knowledge of man.  I want you to know how much you are loved by God.  Those of you who have troubles now, put them all down.  They are not for you to be holding.  God is saying they are His problems and not yours.  God takes care of them all, because we are loved.


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mathew 11:28:30)


In order to fly in the air, if you are holding on to weights, you cannot fly because they are heavy.  Put them down.


Let us declare, “I put down financial worries.  I put down problems of human relationships. I put down worries of work.  I put down the problem between husband and wife.  I put down the problem of marriage.  God, I release them all to you.  Amen.”


Live a Christian life that is light, a Christian life that is easy.

Let us say out loud, “We are loved by God, therefore, by Christ we have been removed of sin and are forgiven.  My life is joyful and happy!  Only happiness comes to me.  Should Satan bring problems to me, Satan will just take them all back.  Amen.”


May the glory be to God.

Next, I plan to speak on the realization of being blessed.

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